Friday, February 24, 2012

My Mamma Would Be Proud!

First of all, thank you Mom and Dad.

Dad, thank you for teaching me all things handy.  He taught me how to drywall, fix a fuse and light bulb in my car, put up crown moulding, use the saw, use the nail gun, put on baseboards, anything electrical.  See, my Dad will come over and help me with projects, BUT he makes sure to teach me as he goes.  His knowledge is invaluable.

Mom, for teaching me all things crafty, and the lesson in life that I can do anything I put my mind to.  Envision the end result, then find a way to achieve it.  I can do this in my head, I can see it, almost like a scene in a movie, I knew these drapes would be perfect, because I could see them in the loft space.  My Mother is such a crafty lady, sewing everything from drapes to dresses.  She helped me alter my bridesmaid dress when I was 8 months pregnant, she bought me a sewing machine out of university to make sure I had one. Then she went and bought a beautiful sewing machine and then left it at my house while she went to England.  Lucky for me, I still have it, and was able to buy drapery ON SALE at  Only catch is, that everything in this house is odd.  Everything I buy will have to be custom made, unless I can figure out ways to do it myself.  With the drapes, I did just that.

I had a bad experience with drapes when Mark and I were first married, and the hem was all crooked, and off by about 2 inches on one side.  Hems and curtains have scared me ever since.  Being 10 years older and wiser, and with the need to pinch every penny, I decided that hems were mine for the mastering.  My Mamma would be proud!

Here is the latest development on the loft space.....drapes are officially hemmed, and look fantastic!  The soft blue is the perfect colour to add softness and peace to the space.  It also matches the furniture I've been refinishing with Annie Sloan's Louis Blue Chalk Paint.   If you are in Ontario, you can buy them at The Melon Patch.  They will ship it for you!

Look at the bottom - a perfect measure!  I am thrilled that I did this all by myself!

I bought a dual track curtain rod, because I loved the sheer drapes, but knew that we needed privacy up there, so we ended up with 2 sets of drapes (blue and white), which looks amazing and so beautiful!

These windows were harder to approach, because of the way they open on hinges.  The solution was these casual roman blinds, that let all the light in! I love how these turned out.  There are 2 windows like this one, with the rounded tops.

That's all for now, I am onto the next project...finishing that furniture!

See you soon!

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